Wednesday, October 25, 2017


I'm for some reason finding it impossible to leave comments on my own blog. Which is why I haven't replied to recent comments. Thanks for leaving them anyway! If I can work out what on earth is going on and fix it then I will reply.

This is ridiculous, and I should spend a couple of days at some point finding a better blogging platform. Hopefully one which can just suck all the content out of this accursèd heap (blogger). Any recommendations anyone?


  1. You need to talk to someone that understands computers :-) I feel safe writing this because you can't reply.

    Having just exported a wordpress blog and reimported it into wordpress I find myself an expert. So if you wanted to join wordpress, then I think are the instructions you need.

    My notes (there are hardly any TBH since it wasn't hard; my problem was having a large blog, which I suspect you don't) are at

    As to what you wanted, which was a recommendation: meh, you should try looking at wordpress. Livejournal is dodgy because Russian. is a list of 10 platforms; I guess if I was moving now I'd look at tumblr and medium too.

  2. I did use to slurp blogger posts out at one time... i seem to remember...and there was another one... I'll try and remember it when me meet on Monday!

  3. Ah! And now I read the post above which says something much more useful!. Must read more closely in the future :-)

